written by aseem kapoorVPPR Croydon Communicators I had the pleasure of being the Toastmaster and leading a really special meeting tonight, with everyone in attendance enjoying a masterclass in public speaking, with not one, but two speeches from our very own Dan Magill! Dan is currently preparing for the annual Toastmasters International Convention taking place in Nashville, Tennessee next week where he will be competing in the World Championship of Public Speaking! The road to Nashville started right here in his home club, with Dan representing Croydon Communicators at club level, going onto become speech champion at Area H15, Division H, and District 91 levels. In previous years, Dan had reached District level (and even collected a couple of District Champion trophies!). Now, in the International Speech Contest he has gone beyond the Regionals and the world stage awaits. In the first half of the meeting Dan delivered his speech 'The definition of Insanity' with an open evaluation co-ordinated by Aminat inviting the audience was to provide feedback. My favourite comment of the night came from Pankaj, who said about Dan's speech "it has inspired me to fail!" Dan's second speech of the night was 'Cameras Off' and came following the network break, again with audience feedback rather than an assigned evaluator. Between the speeches, Table Topic Master Pearl Cadogan (from Liberty Speakers) invited members, visitors and guests to the stage to participate in a fun impromptu speaking exercise. Adrian (Speakers of Croydon) told us about his Toastmasters journey so far. Amanda, one of our guests, spoke about Gordon's Bay in Australia Gina (who we were all delighted to see at an in-person meeting after so long) gave us the recipe for a summery fruity cocktail. Kate, another of tonight's guests shared a very personal story from her time as a student studying law. Andrew, first time visiting in-person after joining us online at the previous meeting spoke about his desire to visit Ghana. Elicia, was another guest that bravely stepped up to the stage and gave us her top three tips for travelling light. Pankaj our final table topics speaker was asked to talk about his worst travel experience. Table Topic Evaluator Marcia did wonderfully in providing immediate feedback on all table topics speakers. Troy as our meeting Timekeeper reported back on all speakers. Finally, Ian our VP Education (and standing in for Club President China) who had opened the meeting, took the opportunity to get some final words from our guests, and presented a very well deserved Best Table Topic Speaker award to first timer Kate! The next meeting is again in-person on Thursday 25 August ... until then we wish Dan the very best of luck in Nashville!
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written by aseem kapoorVPPR Croydon Communicators It was wonderful to see the room buzzing with excitement before the start of the meeting, and joining our club members we were delighted to welcome several visiting Toastmasters and a number of first time and returning guests. The theme of the meeting 'It's about time we saw you!' had been set by Dan (our Toastmaster for the evening) which he had communicated in advance on the club's WhatsApp group to encourage more members back to in-person meetings. Those that answered the call were not disappointed as an enjoyable meeting unfolded, with three fantastic speeches including ice-breakers from two of our newer members! Beatrice Freeman from Wharf Speakers had been a fantastic General Evaluator at a recent meeting and it was great to have her back again to lead the warm-up session in which she asked everyone what they liked (or disliked) about Spring. Next it was the turn of our speech evaluators to take to the stage and provide feedback on the speeches. Manasseh from Liberty Speakers explained how body language could be used to enhance a speech. Ian recommended making full use of the stage. Marcia commended Susan's use of hand gestures and entertainment. Just before the network break, Aminat our club president spoke about her Toastmasters journey, how she stepped into her first committee role as VP Education, what she learnt about leadership in the role and how she had grown. With club elections around the corner it is time for members to start thinking about volunteering for a leadership position on the next committee! After everyone had refreshed themselves with a tea/coffee and biscuits, the meeting resumed with the Table Topics impromptu speaking session. Dan had selected some interesting and challenging questions from his Quora feed for participants to speak about. Rupa was one of the table topics speakers, this was her first time at an in-person meeting so it was great to finally meet her outside of Zoom and see her on a proper stage! Beatrice, Pit, Ian, and guests China and Pankaj also had a go at answering Dan's topics, before Lydia McDowall (President of Speakers of Croydon) provided feedback as Table Topics Evaluator. Following a timekeepers report from Aseem and a Grammarian's report from Aminat the meeting concluded with presentations. Congratulations to Dave and Pit who received icebreaker ribbons for delivering their first speeches at the club! Meeting awards went to Ian for Best Table Topic, Manasseh for Best Evaluator, and Susan for Best Speaker: Our next meeting is on Thursday 12 May and will be online, with our next in-person meeting scheduled for 26 May.
written by aseem kapoorVPPR Croydon Communicators Our second meeting in October was our first one to be held in-person since the start of the pandemic over 18 months ago, and the first to be hosted in our shiny new venue, The School of Philosophy in Croydon! We loved our old home 'MIND in Croydon' and the new place is just as good, with a fantastic meeting room, kitchen and facilities, and a break-out area. It was great to see members and guests face-to-face once again, and taking on meeting roles were Aseem as Toastmaster, Marcia as Timekeeper, Carol as Grammarian, and Sandra as Table Topic Master. Our speakers for the evening were Aminat and Dan, with speech evaluations from Pearl, and Aminat. We were delighted to welcome four guests who joined in during the Table Topics session run by Sandra and evaluated by Dan. For our next meeting we are back online again, with a vocal workshop being delivered by Andrew Bennett!
February 2023
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